Janelle Wright

Janelle Wright's Fundraiser

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Partner with Me!

Give now to help carry hope!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$125 towards $600

I will be traveling with Kidz Konnect 4 Jesus and some girls from my school to Dangriga, Belize.

We will be hosting a cheer/dance camp with girls ages 9-13 as well as leading the girls in a Bible study time (like VBS). This time will not only be a way that we will get to talk to them about God but we will also be helping fulfill the religious study requirement from the country of Belize, that is often neglected by schools due to insufficient funds. In addition, we will be serving other needs in the town of Dangriga that Kidz Konnect 4 Jesus sees.

However, I cannot travel to Belize without both financial and prayer support from you. So please be praying for my trip and consider donating.